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- Scientific Responsibility – Marialuisa Restaino
The scientific director represents the Statlab in relations with University researchers, external bodies and companies. It also takes care of the general smooth running of activities and exercises functions of initiative and promotion. He directs and coordinates research and study activities, for which he assumes scientific responsibility. It convenes and chairs the meetings of the members of the Laboratory and establishes the methods and timing of the implementation of the directives and resolutions taken.
- Quality Assurance – Marcella Niglio
The Quality Assurance Manager has the task of developing the culture of Quality within the Laboratory, through appropriate actions of coordination, management and promotion of scientific and educational activities concerning, in particular, the Quality Assurance of testing, research, including multidisciplinary activities, and service; represents the Laboratory, together with the Scientific Director, in relations with the University Quality Centre and the external bodies involved in the ISO 9001 certification activity
- Didactics - Maria Lucia Parrella
The person in charge of this function has the task of carrying out initiatives and activities useful for the basic and advanced teaching of statistics. It has the task of planning the seminars by collecting the proposals of the members of the Statlab, organizing them, coordinating them with those planned in the DiSES department.
- Research - Michele La Rocca
The person in charge of this function has the task of monitoring the research activity carried out by the members of the STATLAB and of disseminating activities of interest to them. As part of the organizational activities of the conferences, it takes care of the planning of the initiatives and, if requested, supports the members of the organizing and scientific committees.
- Third Mission – Alessandra Amendola
The person in charge of the Third Mission has the task of taking care of the interactions with the economic system, with the social community and with the institutions/bodies for the dissemination of knowledge and statistical culture and for the transfer of the results of the research and initiatives implemented by the members of the Laboratory.
- Technological and IT development – Pietro Coretto
The person in charge of this function is responsible for the management of the IT equipment and is responsible for the administration of the calculation software supplied. It evaluates the instrumentation present in the laboratory and the possibilities of purchasing HW and SW necessary for the pursuit of the objectives established for the progress of research.
- Communication– Vincenzo Candila
The communication manager is responsible for the dissemination of the activities carried out by the members of the Laboratory on the website and on social networks. The contents of the Statlab website are collected and organized and, in agreement with the Scientific Coordinator and the Quality Assurance Officer. The communication manager is responsible for the external communication of the scientific results of the STATLAB members. In particular, it responds through the web to the objectives of dissemination of the practice of statistics and visibility of the services that the Laboratory provides externally.